n. 34, Agosto 2015
2015. - Palermo, - Associazione no profit “Mediterranea”
ISSN: 1828-230X

2015. - Palermo, - Associazione no profit “Mediterranea”
ISSN: 1828-230X
Juan Hernández Franco
«Conservar lo que hasta aquí se ha hecho»: oposición de Enrique Pimentel a la reforma de los estatutos de limpieza de sangre (circa 1625)
Salvatore Bono
Da Salamanca a Varsavia: processioni di schiavi europei riscattati (1508-1830)
Gregory C. McIntosh
The Piri Reis Map of 1528: A Comparative Study with Other Maps of the Time
Maria Pia Pedani
Piri Reis in Venetian Documents
Levent Kaya Ocakaçan
Cigalazade Yusuf Sinan Pasha
Guglielmo Zanelli
Due operazioni militari congiunte veneto-ottomane fra fine XVI e inizio XVII secolo
Andrea Pelizza
Venetians rowing for the Ottoman Turks. Ottoman Turks rowing for the Venetians
Gaye Danışan Polat
An Anonymous Ottoman Compendium on Nautical Instruments and Navigation: Kitâbü’l-mürûri’l-ubûr fî ilmi’l-berri ve’l-buhûr
Basak Akdemir, Metin Ataç
Maritime Education and Training: the Turks in the Late Ottoman and Early Republican Era
Urs Gösken, Nabil Al-Tikriti
The 1502-1504 Correspondence between Şehzade Korkud and the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem
Antonio Fabris
A Description of the Ottoman Arsenal of Istanbul (1698)
Maria Pia Pedani
Note di storiografia sull’impero ottomano